make-up montage?

Just got this film from the library today. Very enjoyable, but I expected there to be a sequence which wasn't in it.

When I was VERY young, I remember once seeing a this montage, in black and white, which consisted of various characters walking down the street. After a few seconds, each character would turn to the camera and peel off their make-up revealing the same actor each time (my memory is too hazy to recall if it was Cagney).

I had assumed that this sequence would have taken place in this movie (probably at the end), but it failed to appear. Does anyone know which movie I'm remembering, or is was this scene actually in MOATF and cut from the library copy?


Dear wencer,
This writer knows what film you are referring to.
The film is The List Of Adrian Messenger w. George C.Scott and Kirk Douglas.
This mystery was made by John Huston and Universal produced it.
To Better Days,


Sounds like you might be remembering end of THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER in which various stars (Sinatra, Lancaster, Douglas, etc.), peeled off makep they wore in cameo roles. (Although Sinatra supposedly didn't even appear in actual film and a facial double was used.)

In any event, sequence you describe didn't occur in MOATF, or at least version that's been shown on TV since mid Sixties. And when you think about it, no reason such a montage would have been shot--it was no secret Cagney/Chaney had been playing all the roles in first place.


Mmmm I recall that. However the one I saw showed the many actors during that time who would immerse themselves into the character.
It showed Lon Chaney,Béla Lugosi,Boris Karloff etc. And the detail manner they would take in applying the make up. I am unable to recall exactly who did this however one of those actors went as far as to put drops of some liquid in his eyes so that they appear to be red, and swollen.

Oh well I could go on, but you are correct there are a few promos of actors showing them before and after with make up...

be well all its spring!!!!!!!!!!!
Me - Bellalisa
