Phyllis Coates

Phyllis Coates was great in this movie, and she positively had the best scream in the history of film. Does anyone else think that Phyllis' screams in this movie were the loudest ever?


Yes Lindoro I agree. This movie had some of Phyllis's best and loudest screams.She's my favorite screamer of all time. She also looked especially pretty in this film with her beautifully styled blonde hair. Also that last scream she let out in this movie sounded like she was really being murdered.



Yes, that last scream was very wild. It goes without saying that no one could compete with Phyllis' screams, but she really was a great actress overall. In every one of her films, even if it was grade Z material, she played her character with compete conviction and sincerity.


She had a memorable scream but not as great as Patricia Owens' scream in the 'Fly'.


I just listened to Patricia Owens' scream in this clip From what I heard, Patricia doesn't sound like she's even close to being in Phyllis' league. Phyllis' screams were a lot louder and more bloodcurdling.


What about Janette Scott's screams in "Day of the Triffids" and "Crack in the World"?


I haven't seen those films. Do you have links to clips of Janette Scott screaming? Do you think her screams compare to those of Phyllis Coates?


Janette Scott's screams were quite good but I still say Phyllis is number one in the scream department.You might try to hear Janette's screams for Day of the Triffids on youtube Lindoro.See what you come up with.By the way,nice conversing with you again.


Good to hear from you again, ppitta2. I'll see if I can find that movie.


Nice to hear from you Lindoro.Unfortunately I'm not Tom Weaver but it's nice to know that Phyllis is appreciated.I actually met Phyllis about 5 years ago at a convention in New York. I got her autograph on a picture of her from Teenage Frankenstein.She was very nice and down to earth and I told her that I loved her screams. And she replied with a sly grin "So,I'm famous for my screams huh"It was so great just chatting with her.


You're very lucky, ppitta2. Meeting Phyllis must've been a fabulous opportunity.

I watched The Day Of The Triffids, and while Janette Scott's screams were very good, they don't compare with those of Phyllis.


I agree Lindoro


Does anyone know if that's Phyllis in that promo shot from "Teenage Frankenstein" that was used in some lobby ads or another actress? I can't quite figure out if she's the blonde girl in the white slip where the monster is grabbing her arm??? She looks quite different there than, for instance, her Lois Lane character.


No phasedin,that girl in the white slip is Angela Blake and she was the first victim of the monster.


Great-thanks so much. I've been wondering who she was for many many years now.

