
I sometimes wonder if some of these old movies would have long since faded away if Reagan didn't go on to be president.

I wouldnt call this mone bad, just OK. King's Row was a great Reagan movie if you were looking for one, but I was thankful to catch it on the Military Channel.


They might have faded away, but I'm wondering if some like this one don't get more harshly criticized because he was president.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


There's no doubt that Reagan's film performances are harshly criticized today by liberals as a result of his political career. He was actually a good actor, regardless of whether or not I share his political ideology. Dismissing a performer's talent, based on his political alignment, is childish.


Dismissing a performer's talent, based on his political alignment, is childish.

Liberals are not known for being adults.

Take a look at any site where a Conservative TRIES to engage a liberal in discussion and debate and it is nothing but the most hate-filled and vile accusations and hatespeech on the behalf of the party of "inclusiveness and tolerance"

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Yep, CGSailor, you got that right. And the same thing happens to John Wayne and Charleton Heston all the time--written off as actors by liberals, most of whom have probably not even seen many (if any) of their movies.


John Wayne sums up Liberal pretty good.

They don't listen to what you think, they decide what you think for you.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


As conservatives, you are doing exactly what you complain liberals do. You don't listen to what anyone thinks, you tell them what they think. Quite a broad brush you use to stereotype with.


Actually... NO. I don't.

I actually listen to the liberal argument.
If liberals actually listened to their own argument they would realize just how stupid the arguments are.

I listen to both sides then weigh both arguments based on logic and common sense, facts, and historical precedent.

The side that nearly always wins is conservative, not liberal.

The rare argument that the conservative generally loses are usually those powered by the far right Bible thumpers like gay marriage.

Take Gun Control...

I have yet to hear a liberal explain how making more laws criminalizing gun owners will take guns from criminals(who by their very nature, don't obey laws to begin with). All the liberal agenda does is turn law abiding citizens into criminals and/or remove their ability to defend themselves.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


All the liberal agenda does is turn law abiding citizens into criminals and/or remove their ability to defend themselves.

Defend themselves?
Is there a study that compares the number of families who have accidentally killed/injured their loved ones compared to killing a burglar/kidnapper/rapist/Democrat fundraiser?
I'm amazed (saddened?)at the attitude of those in the Land of the Free/Home of the Brave who feel so threatened they need a loaded firearm in their home to protect themselves.
But like I've been told many times, I'm DownUnder and you're over 'there'... and never the twain shall meet.


I'm amazed (saddened?)at the attitude of those in the Land of the Free/Home of the Brave who feel so threatened they need a loaded firearm in their home to protect themselves.

It is not a matter of "feeling threatened enough" to need one.
That is a liberal *beep* argument.

Whether I am surrounded by Gangbangers and drug dealers in some ghetto inner city slum.... Or whether I live completely out in the countryside with friendly neighbors miles away that would come through a driving snowstorm to help you herd the cattle that got out, and no one can even remember the last time anything got stolen...

A persons inherent right to self defense is a RIGHT, not granted (and not to be taken away by) government.

The Odds of some criminal thug busting in my door to rob me at gunpoint may be the same odds as a snowball's chance in hell. But it is my RIGHT to be able to defend myself IF that were to ever happen.

Your Down under crime stats may be lower than the USA, but you are also a much small, more sparsely and less populated nation as well. And while still lower than the USA, it has been skyrocketing compared to what your stats were BEFORE Private ownership of guns was banned.

And finally.... The Second Amendment is not about Hunting, Sport shooting, or even personal defense.

In a Constitution set up with a three part government and built in checks and balances to prevent any one part becoming all powerful...It is THE FINAL "Check and Balance" against government corruption.

It was King George and his tyranny, and his attempt to seize the colonist's weapons that sparked the opening shots of the Revolutionary War and gave Birth to the United States.

If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.
Samuel Adams

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
Benjamin Franklin

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.
Patrick Henry

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country.
Theodore Roosevelt

“The constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
― Alexander Hamilton

“Fireams stand next in importance of the Constitution itself.
They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.”
General Washington

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


All good points, for sure. General Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry et al had some good things to say about the need to be armed, good governance... slavery... in the 18th century. I do like the one about Ben Franklin talking to his fellow conspirators risking all for independence. His 'gentlemen, we must all hang together on this or we shall surely all hang together' is one of my favourites.

It's a fascinating argument. One side is clearly in the right and there is no way they will give up their 'rights'. And the other side just watches the rising death toll in bewilderment. But as I said; never the twain shall meet.

The Odds of some criminal thug busting in my door to rob me at gunpoint may be the same odds as a snowball's chance in hell.
this is the crux of my argument... those who are happy to have a firearm in their home for that time they will get to use it on an intruder...
The risks of injury/death are significantly increased, but weighing that risk up against a hypothetical, are happy with the risk.

Anyway... back to the movie?


All good points, for sure. General Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry et al had some good things to say about the need to be armed, good governance... slavery... in the 18th century

Their position concerning an armed populace had not a damned thing to do with slavery. It had everything to do with the people having the ability overthrow their government and start anew when said government no long serves the people but rather starts forcing the people to serve the government.

It is written into our very declaration of independence from Britain....

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I do like the one about Ben Franklin talking to his fellow conspirators risking all for independence. His 'gentlemen, we must all hang together on this or we shall surely all hang together' is one of my favourites.

For being one of your favorites, you could at the least do it the service of getting it right.

We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

Anecdotally claimed to have been said by Dr Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence... may possibly be misattributed to him, as there are a few other claimed sources of the quote, both prior to and after that date.

It's a fascinating argument. One side is clearly in the right and there is no way they will give up their 'rights'. And the other side just watches the rising death toll in bewilderment

It is not the law abiding citizen holding to their right to own arms that is causing the "rising death toll". The vast majority of those murders creating this " rising death toll" are the result of those who are not allowed weapons and done with weapons purchased illegally by current law. Quite frankly... your "argument" is becoming very insulting.

this is the crux of my argument... those who are happy to have a firearm in their home for that time they will get to use it on an intruder...

And now you are absolutely being an insulting fraking a$$hole.
None of us who own a firearm for self defense are happy to use it on an intruder. We do not look forward to a time that "we get to use it" on an intruder.
We would be quite pleased to never ever need to use it for it's intended purpose.

But if the times comes that you do need it, better to have it and never need it, than to need it and not have it.

The risks of injury/death are significantly increased, but weighing that risk up against a hypothetical, are happy with the risk.

No. Another bullsh!t Liberal and false argument. The only firearm owners at any "increased risk" are the dumba$$es that fail to properly take care of and learn how to properly handle. No different than the care, handling and use of any other potentially dangerous tool. Mowing the yard in bare feet for example. Using power tools without eye protection. Quite often a "Negligent Discharge" (which is what you are talking about) is the result of some dumb sh!t playing around with the damned thing against all common sense of a proper gun owner. But then again... with the rare exception of an equipment failure, blown tire... failed brakes...etc... 99.9% of all car crashes are the result of a driver being stupid or inattentive. But I see no screaming hissy fit to ban all motor vehicles.
(only those that run one oil)

Truthfully... you "points" are based on falsehoods, though they are perfectly aligned with the liberal position. But that's to be expected of liberal positions. all lies and falsehoods.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


'gentlemen, we must all hang together on this or we shall surely all hang together'

For being one of your favorites, you could at the least do it the service of getting it right.
We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

Well, what do you know. After so many years, I got it wrong. And after reading both versions; I like mine better. I should've googled the damn thing before chatting. Points to you, sir.
And the thing about slavery? Why quote just some of their points of view... being so smart about gun control, surely their ideas on... But you missed the point. Never mind.
No. Another bullsh!t Liberal and false argument.
Mate, they're all *beep* Liberal (and false) arguments! But at the risk of spruiking off the top of my head, your firearm death rates are around the 10 per 100,000. Australia? 0.83. One thing I'm certain is that I got the decimal point in the right place. The difference must surely be because we have forsaken our rights to bare arms.

I'll get to reading the rest of your post later. Thanks for taking the time. And thanks for your dissertation on your beer. I'll keep it in mind while in the Napa.


But at the risk of spruiking off the top of my head, your firearm death rates are around the 10 per 100,000. Australia? 0.83. One thing I'm certain is that I got the decimal point in the right place. The difference must surely be because we have forsaken our rights to bare arms.

So why are you required to all wear long sleeved shirts? and wtf does that have to do with homicide rates?

aside from ripping on you for misusing bear/bare...

You are making multiple mistakes.
First off, a cross nation comparison of firearm death rates does not draw any particular conclusion as to the cause of the difference. Secondly, you cannot compare cross national statistics with any reasonable meaning because if differences in how those numbers are generated. Usually with a great deal of anti-gun bias.

Don't compare your rate to ours.
Compare your rate with itself, before and after your gun ban. Rising huh? wonder why.

Another thing to consider is that the US death rate is not uniform across the nation. The vast majority of firearm related homicides are clustered in specific parts of the country, and those locations are INVARIABLY the areas with the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Chicago, California, New York, etc...

Regions of the nation where it is commonplace for the normal law abiding citizen to be armed, has some of the lowest murder statistics.

The vast majority of gun homicides here in the US are committed by individuals who are already barred from possessing firearms under current law (convicted felons for example).

Funny how nearly all of the mass shootings in the US have been by left leaning fruitcakes with a history of mental illness that cannot legally posses a firearm, he get their hands on one regardless and then invariably target "gun free" zones for their victims knowing none can shoot back.

Yet somehow the mass shootings are the fault of law abiding conservative citizens who would never have committed such heinous acts and had they been present and armed... could have PREVENTED the tragedy.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


thanks for catching the typo. and yes, I can see the insanity of comparing the numbers between our two countries. I'm done. Done because the arguments always seem to be the same, but each side still thinks the other is insane. And it invariably comes down to more guns. abiding conservative citizens who would never have committed such heinous acts and had they been present and armed... could have PREVENTED the tragedy
If only Adam Lanza's mother had some guns...


I have yet to hear how taking guns from Law Abiding citizens makes them safe from criminals with guns....

Making guns Illegal...
Like making drugs illegal, that's how we won the war on drugs right?

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I have yet to hear how taking guns from Law Abiding citizens makes them safe from criminals with guns....

You won't from me.
We were talking about balancing risks against...
The Odds of some criminal thug busting in my door to rob me at gunpoint may be the same odds as a snowball's chance in hell.

DownUnder firearms and ammunition must be secured separately under lock and key. Not that good for 'home defence' in the circumstances you described above.
Because if that bad day ever happens, you would want the firearm ready to go and well within reach...
which goes to my point about the significant risks of the firearm being used in circumstances not intended, balanced against the snowball's bad day.


I read the rest of your post this morning.

this is the crux of my argument... those who are happy to have a firearm in their home for that time they will get to use it on an intruder...
And now you are absolutely being an insulting fraking a$$hole.
None of us who own a firearm for self defense are happy to use it on an intruder. We do not look forward to a time that "we get to use it" on an intruder.

If I could just say that my point to this issue is that some are 'happy' to run the risks entailed in having firearms in the home; accidental shootings, thefts, commandeering of the weapons... balanced against that 'snowball's chance' situation.
I didn't realise the sentence was ambiguous.
Sorry to come across as the 'insulting fraking a$$hole' (passionate as always).


OT, but I'm watching the news of the USS George Washington docking at Brisbane. The other end of this wide, brown land, but it makes the news here in Melbourne.
It reported that Brisbane's brothels have been 'booked solid'. Maybe they don't have that many brothels in Brisbane.
Oh, and Queensland's XXXX beer (yes, that's its name... 4ex. Camel's pi55 to us in other states) was 'Better than the beers we have in the US' said one sailor. God, what do you guy's brew over there??


Oh, and Queensland's XXXX beer (yes, that's its name... 4ex. Camel's pi55 to us in other states) was 'Better than the beers we have in the US' said one sailor. God, what do you guy's brew over there??

1) said ONE sailor.

2) Often what a person thinks is better is merely... different. Probably the kids first time in a foreign port fresh from a Kansas farm. Here in the US I've had beers that are excellent, and beers that are horse piss. I've also had beers from other countries that are excellent and some that are horse piss.

3) Personal taste. One man's horse piss is another man's brew of choice.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


said ONE sailor.

Hey, he was obviously the 'beer representative' for the USS George Washington! A highly sort after appointment, surely.

Yeah, I know you guys are tarred with the 'Budweiser is good beer' brush. I'm off to the Napa Valley early next month. I will be looking forward to tasting of those very special IPA beers. I have it on very good authority they are some of the very best biers in the world. My brother travels there regularly and always returns with wares from the New World. Yummy, yummy. And they've never, ever been horse pi55.
Good to see you back.


Like I said, it's all a matter of personal taste.
I've never met a Thai or Chinese beer I like yet. All of it straight from the horse. Still warm horse piss.

Though some claim it horrible, I'm rather fond of Philippine's San Miguel beer.

I love Sapporo and Asahi, but don't care for Kirin.

Foster's is okay, I've had better, but I've had far FAR worse.

But I'm sure you're rankled by my Foster's comment about as much as I am about your Budweiser comments.

(And for your info... I can't stand Bud Lite)

Question: Are Germans even capable of making a bad beer?

Good to see you back.

Did I go somewhere? LOL.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
