MovieChat Forums > The Giant Claw (1957) Discussion > It's a shame about that puppet.

It's a shame about that puppet.

It was actually a pretty standard monster flick aside from how bad the monster looks. The cartoonish crooked jaw was a terrible idea and the mohawk was just too much. Being able to see the strings pulling it was definitely second banana to those to problems. The mohawk is really what killed it. In any event, that thing just looked bad.

Still, not that bad of a monster movie otherwise.



A classic???? Are you crazy!! It's a chicken for pete sake.
Oh, and by the way, about that user name----



I think I should re-phrase that last statement. When I said crazy I was refering to the comment that this is a classic. the only thing classic about it is its shear awfulness, which by the way makes it one of my favorites. This monster ranks near the top of my favorite goofy monsters of all time, right along with robot monster, godzilla, gamara, mothra and the jelly fish monster from "sting of death" who looks like a guy with a trash bag on his head.



Those things you listed are scarier than a giant chicken.


The Giant Claw rules

"It's the stuff that dreams are made of."


I explained this movie to a friend who had never seen it: it's about a giant turkey from outer space with pop-eyes, big teeth and a feather sticking out of it's head. A half hour later she was still laughing.

To God There Is No Zero. I Still Exist.


If it wasn't for the puppet no one would ever remember this movie. As you said, it's a pretty standart B movie, like many others. Puppet made it stand out and now it's a cult classic.


I heard it killed the birds career!


Was the Puppet destroyed or preserved by somebody somewhere ?
My favorite scene is when that Claw sinks into the water .

Fix the error reports on this site


I agree with some of the others: the lousy puppet monster is really what makes this memorable. Otherwise, it'd be just another monster movie of the era.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!
