Influence of Nosferatu?

Does anyone else think that Murnau's Nosferatu influenced Fisher for this movie? Look at the way the Monster is dressed, in a coat very similar to Count Orlok's, and also the way he walks, with his arms very close to his body. Also, the use of characters' shadows projected on the wall near the climax.

Interesting, because when Fisher got to make his Dracula, no noticeable Nosferatu influence in the Count's portrayal is present.

There's no Santa Claus


Definitely. Good work.


Yes, I noticed the coat as well. It is almost an exact replica of Nosferatu's. The real question is- where did the monster get the coat?


I think it's safe to assume that the clothes came either from the corpses or Victor obtained them elsewhere. The monster doesn't strike me as one to do his own shopping!

Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wooden shoe?
