MovieChat Forums > The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) Discussion > Four Sided Triangle on the blu-ray!

Four Sided Triangle on the blu-ray!

I really recommend The Curse of Frankenstein's blu-ray - firstly because it's got some excellent features relating to the movie itself (a retrospective documentary and touching interview with Peter Cushing's secretary) but also because it includes the film Four Sided Triangle.

It's a brilliant 1953 Hammer sci-fi film from Terence Fisher and I was surprised to discover it. Nice bonus hidden gem makes the blu-ray all the more worth seeking out...


But people have said the the picture quality on the Blu Ray version is very poor. Is this really true?

The Webmaster


I don't remember being bothered by picture quality at all but it's a long time ago, now. Generally I'm very forgiving when it comes to old movies and only notice when the blu-ray remastering is of exceptionally high quality.

I think I was most impressed that the film was there and actually exists to care much about the quality of the transfer. Sorry I can't be of more help!


I'm so dumb. When I read the subject line I thought you meant you had a defective copy of the Blu-Ray with a diamond shape (two triangles in one so basically a four sided triangle, right?) in the corner of the screen.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
