Advice to newcomers of Hammer

Please, you guys who have some problems enjoying the Hammerfilms, even the considered classics. Make sure you view them in fullscreen/widescreen! My oppinion of them when I was younger and only watched them as more or less blurry copies on videotapes and I felt unsatisfied. (I am a horrorfilm collector and have about 45 vampirefilms!) To view them in full glory, with the whole screen intact and with shining strong colours, have made me value the Hammerfilms much much more. Few films suffer so badly from cropping to fit a TV screen!


Yes, a lot of horror movies (Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Night of the Living Dead, Cannibal Holocaust, The Blair Witch Project, etc.) I think benefit from a little more grainy, lower quality. I feel it adds to the realism and they just don't feel the same in high definition. However, all the Hammer films I've seen are just the opposite of those. They focus a lot on the style and scenery so being able to see them clearly helps a lot.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
