Newsroom Yes the Rest No

This is not a great film. The Stanwyck character's arc from smart-before-her-time newswoman to submissively manipulative wife feels rushed at best, and at worst just plain false. But I'd give 9 or ten stars to everything in that opening newsroom sequence.



You're so right. When it started I thought it was incredible, then it just slid down a cliff.


It seems you missed the point. Kathy Doyle rushed into the marriage too quickly. She didn't know what she was getting into. She couldn't be a Stepford Wife,so she used her smarts too intrigue her way to the top of the food chain. When she couldn't get what she wanted for her husband she couldn't stand it. She was right when she told Bill at first that she couldn't stand the mediocrity of a suburban life. She's still a woman, and she fell for Bill. But she couldn't reconcile her genuine love for him with her own pride and ambition. That's the whole point; she was not suited to suburban housewife life, and Pope knew that too.


This was an interesting movie, with good actors; however, a seemingly completely normal woman going mental to the point of messing with people's lives and killing a guy was just too implausible.
