Dead Mau5

This movie was featured in the album "For Lack of a Better Name" by the DJ Deadmau5 on a track entitled "FML" I have not seen the movie, but I did see the piece from the song, the main character, during a scene where he is addressing a room of people, gives off a laugh that utterly shakes the very core of me, its so creepy and awesome, obviously Deadmau5 thought so too. I originally thought this was Vincent Price, but, it wasn't :D take a listen it is CREEPY!


The correct song is actually "Moar Ghosts N Stuff". :)


No, he actually means the laugh.

"FML" is the first track, followed by "Moar Ghosts 'n Stuff"
At the very end of the first track there's that evil laugh, which is a transition to the next song. Then at the end of the laugh the second track starts with a quote from the movie:

"After I'm gone, your earth will be free to live out it's miserable span of existence, as one of my satellites, and that's how it's going to be."


john agar DOES give a credible performance as the "evil" steve marsh (complete with maniacal laugh). this performance actually reminds me of mclean stevenson, albeit a power-crazed stevenson playing an over-the-top villain. agar could easily have pursued a career playing villains a la vincent price, but i guess he had a very strong image of himself as a "good guy," so playing a string of antagonists was out of the question.


I was first introduced to this film at Disney World of all places. Space Mountain had a monitor showing clips on cycle and one of them, the only one I remember, was that of the brain getting struck with an axe. That was in 1997. They no longer have the monitor or the clips. If people waiting in line are bored, they have this weird little mini-game that you can play.
