Best lines

"Call for insects."
"They're using Hannibal's Surprise!"


This movie includes one of my favourite lines in any MST3K episode mainly cos of it's brilliant delivery by Crow

*shots of various guards looking around before switching to the Dr doing the same*
Crow: "They sense i'm Peter Graves"



"I just wanna drop my a-bomb!"


[during the military fight]
Servo: They're lobbing aphids at us!
Crow: They've cracked our code and one of the generals was a grasshopper in disguise!

Dr. Wainwright: He's a deaf mute.
Mike: You insensitive little...

[when the deaf mute guy is being killed]
Mike: He's signing "Aahhhhh!"

[during the polygraph scene]
Mike: Do you associate with crickets?! Have you ever participated in a plague?! Have you ever eaten crops in excess of a million dollars?!

Mike: He just polygraphed a sandwich; he needs real help!

[when the grasshoppers are falling off the postcard, I mean, building]
Servo: Say goodbye to my 10,000 kids!

[when the exact same shot of a grasshopper falling is shown for a third time]
Crow: Third time! How stupid am I?

[as a radio announcer]
"It's a beautiful day in Chicago. We're getting bombed today, I'm sure you've heard."

Servo (as a soldier): I'm hiding from the lion. These women are scared stiff!
(Really great line if you know the scene.)

News anchor: This just in from Chicago.
Mike: "Aaahhhh!"

Crow (as the police): Alright, we have your blade of grass surrounded! Drop your segmented thorax and come out peacefully!

My site:


[as the truck full of soldiers drives away from the rampaging grasshopper]:
"One weekend a month, my ass!"


"The Von Trapps have escaped!"




(Police inspect wrecked car) "Uh Miss Mansfield....?"

(Two soldiers stare at each other from extreme close range, saying nothing) Mike: "Now this is an improv that just went nowhere."

(Police chief is in the middle of firing off questions at an old farmer) Crow:"Objection your honor!"

(Chief to blonde reporter): Audrey Ames? I've read a lot of your stuff, seen a lot of your photos.
Servo: "Reading your cleavage right now"


Mike: When I was a boy, we didn't have fast movies.

Mike: Now this is an improv that just went nowhere.
(minutes later) Crow: That's my line, I finally remembered

Mike: Damn these nazi grasshoppers!

Mike: My gun is great, I don't need a bazooka.

Dr. Ed Wainwright: We could atract them
Crow: I'll dress like a sexy grasshopper!

Crow (as Dr. Ed Wainwright): Hey, I got it, we can just shoot them!


As announcer warns Chicago of the impending invasion:

"Don't dress like grain!"
