Ben Wade's last words

In the last line of his review, Roger Ebert says to pay attention to Ben Wade's last words in the film and who he says them to and why. I've just seen the it but can't remember what they were for sure. Does anyone know?


Evans asks "Why did you do it Ben?" to which Ben replies "Because I don't like owing anybody favors. You saved my life back at the hotel. Besides . . . I've broken out of Yuma before." It seems to me this was a staple of westerns at the time. The idea of honor. Evans saved Ben's life from the brother of the man Ben killed earlier in the movie even though it would have saved Evans the trouble and danger of walking Wade to the station. Ben knew if he didn't shield Evans, then his gang would gun him down without a second thought and so repaid him by saving his life and jumping in the train. Ben Wade decided to go to prison to save the life of the man who saved his. Although as Ben adds on he's already escaped from there before.


Ebert says that about the 2007 remake of this film....this board is for the 1957 original,which is the film referred to by the previous poster.



You are right Irish. A better title would have been something like "Question on the ending - SPOILER WARNING."


I find that a bit ridiculous, since *SPOILER* Ben Wade DOESN'T die at the end of the movie. This thread is simply investigating the final words he spoke before the movie ended. But yes, this confusion could be eliminated by use of a better title.


Heh, that's funny, no key people die. His final/last words refer to the last words in the movie, not his final words before he dies.

But seriously, I never read the message board until after I see the movie, no problems then.




Your last words were "Thanks! Sheila," but you're obviously not dead.


It was quite clear to me from the very beginning that main character was going to die.


SPOILER ALERT. Errrr, not to be clever or anything, but Ben Wade DOES NOT DIE in either the original or the remake. You could have saved yourself (and us) four paragraphs of righteous (well, "wrongeous" as it turns out) indignation. Perhaps you should remove your own posting and apologise to the original poster.


Oh, I'm so tired of hearing people whine about spoilers. There is a simple solution...don't read the posts until you have seen the movie. Doesn't that make sense? If you read the posts before you have seen the movie, you are setting yourself up for spoilers. You are the one to blame, not the posters!!!

Not me, I don't care what happens!


So, I am now confused. Sheila saw 3:10 to Yuma, but when she did Ben Wade died at the end? Also, yes "last words" can and often do refer to the last thing said before dying, but they can also refer to the last words spoken before any event such as "The last words my Mom said to me before I left were 'be careful'." By Sheila's logic the last words spoken by any character in a film means that they died. Thus Guy Pearce's last words in Memento "Now...where was I?" must mean that when the film went to black and the credits started rolling that Leonard Shelby was dead. Basically Sheila made a jump in her own mind that wasn't actually corroborated by the actual title of the post. Which, is fine, people can make assumptions all they want. Of course assumptions are not always right, and to attack someone based on that assumption, to presume to tell them posting etiquette based on that assumption can sometimes make the assumer look foolish like in this case. Now, in the last words (but not necessarily before he dies you'll have to see the film to see if that is the case) of Daniel Plainview in "There Will Be Blood"....I'm finished.



The movie is 50 years old...its pretty impossible to "spoil" it. Don't read messageboards for 50 year old movies kk thx


"So many people, myself included, read the postings before they see the movie"

Why do that? Why take the chance of someone not stating "Spoilers" or letting out some key information? I wouldn't blame anyone but yourself for reading posts about a movie you haven't even seen yet.

Blake(Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross): "Coffee is for closers."


When no-one knows what the heck they are talking about, not much can be spoiled.


"You did it Dan", to Dan Evans, meaning he got him to the train, and then "No !" to Charlie Prince right before Prince shoots Dan in the back.

Awesome film. Great acting and characterization. Loved it, loved the ending.
