MovieChat Forums > Perry Mason (1957) Discussion > So how do you say, "Los Angeles?"

So how do you say, "Los Angeles?"

When we're not busy saying LA, we all say LOS AN-GEL-LOS. The "gel" as in Jello. But on PM, I've noticed that the "gel" comes out in a hard G as in "gal" as in Los An-gal-ous. Is that how it used to be pronounced?


That is definitely a variant pronunciation, one I've never heard elsewhere. (FYI, I'm 58 and a California native.)


The "correct" Spanish pronunciation is AHN-hay-lez. An acceptable English pronunciation is AN-gel-ez.

"Angle-ez" is all wrong.


Re: The pronunciation of Los Angeles. Watching the movie "The Long Long Trailer", Lucille Ball pronunces "Angeles" as "Angle lees".
Being a native Southern Californian (I'm 64) it's one of several pronunciations.


People from Louisville also are particular about their pronunciation of their city. i was told don't say it like LewEville but more like Lewvile without the hard E. I'm not from there but was corrected ones by someone from there.


I happen to think that as long as you don't say LOUIS-VILLE that you're good.


I'm from Memphis and our universities hated each other for a long time so I would mispronounce it on purpose when around my friends from Louisville. We actually kinda get along right now bc they helped us get in the Big East, right before the Big East folded. So now I will root for the Cards at times.
