UNCUT Episodes!

Am a big fan of these 13 hour shows that used to be rerun every summer thru 1967 and I know a LOT of people who are NOT familiar with these episodes!TV Land/Nick@Nite cut them to BITS and leave out IMPORTANT material!Will these 13 shows come out on DVD OR are they available UNCUT on VHS and if so, where can they be bought OTHER than on E-bay!


It ran for 3 years and only 13 episodes were aired?


Howoo, when Nick at Nite began airing the episodes, they were allegedly uncut. However, God only knows if there was more footage in the original '50s broadcasts (a crucial scene from "The Celebrity Next Door" was broadcast in a crummy, badly cut-down version in '86, but it's missing in the "uncut" prints). Tapes of the original series are circulating that were duped off of Lucy's personal prints which include scenes that are missing from all of the later prints. The series was release on 13 VHS tapes in the '90s and aren't hard to find. Undoubtedly they'll make it to DVD before long.

Jake3988, TV was a different place back then, with one show sponsored by individual companies (Phillip Morris, for example). Lucy-Desi aired as a series of specials over a three year period.


The very first L-D C.H. lists Hedda Hopper as a guest star, but the Nick at Nite version doesn't show her. The extended version has Hedda interviewing Ricky about how he met his wife. In the shortened version, all the action takes place in the past, with Ricky providing a voice over.


There will be a DVD release of the Lucy Desi Comedy Hour. Currently CBS is working out the rights to the episodes. There's no definite release date yet but with the success of the I Love Lucy season sets, expect a release of this spinoff within the next year or two. As of now, it seems it will be a single set of all 13 episodes. Until an official announcement is made, just be patient and if you haven't done so already please buy the I Love Lucy season sets & request that CBS release The Lucy Desi Comedy Hour on DVD.


do you know how to submit a request to CBS?

Vote for The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, The Lucy Show, Here's Lucy, and Life with Lucy on DVD!


There will be a DVD release of the Lucy Desi Comedy Hour.

It was released and the episodes are cut. In fact, some of the music from I Love Lucy isn't original and to add insult to injury, the quality of the disks in the box set is awful.


I have the dvd set of the LDCH and the missing footage from the Tallulah Bankhead show is not there----nor is the Hedda Hopper scene from the first show that someone else mentioned earlier. This is a disappointment.


The Tallulah scene is NOT on the DVD, but can be seen on YouTube.

The Hedda Hopper scenes ARE on the DVD.

A Blu-ray release with even more restored footage (including the Tallulah scene) is currently in production.

