Working girl?

I've just started rewatching the series and I have a question. The answer may come in later episodes but I doubt it. (The first time I watched was when it was new to television--yeah, I'm not young--and I don't recall it ever being cleared up).
Anyway the question is: what was Paladin whispering to that young lady (she appears Filipino or oriental) who was obviously "working" at the hotel? Her fancy dress and ethnicity gives her away as a lady of the night. I doubt it was ever explained in the series because I imagine Paladin was whispering something "naughty".
If anyone knows the answer or has a guess I would appreciate the sharing.


Are you talking about "Hey, Girl?" (Lisa Liu)

I don't have the depth of knowledge many here do, but she was a replacement for "Hey, Boy" (Kam Tong). I believe I read here that Tong was written out of the series when another project came along requiring his skills. Liu was written in to replace him. Tong's project fell through and he returned to HG-WT.

Tong's character was a porter--sort of a bell hop/gentleman's gentleman/waiter,etc. Liu's character seemed to be in an identical vein.

According to the IMdB data, Liu appeared in 18 episodes and Tong appeared in 100. Apparently not every episode started in the lobby of the Carlton Hotel.



Yes, according to, Lu played Hey Girl just 17 times.


Hey Girl is Hey Boy's sister. She is not a "Working Girl" in the sense of a prostitute, she is a porter at the hotel and she, like her brother, are independent workers and are not employed by the Hotel Carleton.


I think the episode you are talking about was in season one (or two), and he was always whispering something 'naughty' to a girl...well a lot of the time.
The asian girl was not I think a working girl as they were not a custom of the Carlton ( and the high end hotels at the time were against it as they would lose many customers,,,A high end hotel would cater to the rich and their wives remember). She was just dressed in fashion for the time,( the risque avantgarde style that frisco and other large cities were known for,besides it was the wrong part of Frisco at the time as well. There were many mid level hotels that could be used for that sort of entertainment. The Carlton was also a residence hotel,,, aside from the bedrooms, they supplied sitting rooms, parlors and attached dining rooms as seen in various episodes.
More than likey she was just another rich girl trying to find a husband or a tryst.
This was also common for the time as rich girls were just as randy as the poor ones but could not go to bars and such to fulfill their needs. He may,even have received special privilages to 'accomodate' some of the female patrons of station and money.
He was however not a slave to class, as at times you see him treating saloon girls, ladies of the night etc, with class and dignity throughout his adventures away from Frisco. He has called and treated many questionable types ladies, and called some ladies tramps ( deservedly and not in so many words).


Your points are well taken, but how historically acurate is a rich, single Oriental women dressed in western style at that time?


Late response to original poster: I know the character to whom you refer and she is either a lady of the evening or another hotel resident. Paladin is likely making arrangements to entertain her later on. I noticed today that she appeared in 2 episodes.


Lady of the evenig would be my guess. Considering the status of Orientals at that time I doubt she was in circumstances that would have allowed her to be a resident.


I noticed her again, sitting with a blond in the lobby of the Carlton Hotel. Paladin said he had dinner with her one evening, so she could have been a lady he entertained for the fun of it, i.e., a lady of the evening. A prostitute would have been discouraged from sitting in the lobby of the hotel trying to pick up customers, so your guess is as good as mine.

This was in the episode '24 Hours at North Fork' from the first season in the beginning of the episode. The ladies were waiting in the lobby to pounce upon Paladin together. Take a peek and tell me if it's this actress to whom you refer. I noticed her, too. She put up with a great deal.

Edit: It wasn't '24 Hours at North Fork,' she was in, it was 'Deliver the Body.' I beg your pardon, I confused the two episodes.

Edit The Second: Upon rereading The HGWT Companion and RICHARD BOONE, A KNIGHT WITHOUT ARMOR IN A SAVAGE LAND, the Carlton Hotel segments were filmed sometimes all at once and sometimes weekly. It's possible the woman we're discussing was there once and the segments featuring her appearance were filmed on a single occasion. Dunno if this helps at all, it simply occurred to me to mention it...


I believe the context shows her to be a hotel resident. That would cost a fair amount of money. While it is reasonably possible that prostitution in those days could make someone wealthy, it probably would not be the prostitute. Instead, it would be the person who controlled/managed/used the prostitute.

A major hotel catering to a wealthy clientele at that time would not have tolerated prostitution in their hotel at all, much less open solicitation of prostitution in the lobby. The comment mentions the "status of Orientals," but fails to take into account that very factor would cause the hotel to chase out someone of a different race who was not legit. Despite the "status of Orientals" cited in the comment, there were some wealthy people of Asian background who were not prostitutes.

Moreover, I believe Paladin would not patronize a prostitute because he would not have to. I would guess that most patrons of prostitutes would be either: a) men stranded in remote locations without many women; b) married men without any time to devote to romance; or c) losers who have trouble picking up women at all. Paladin certainly would not fall into any of those categories.


You're more than likely correct. Paladin was meant to be a contemporary character when he was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadowes, so no doubt she was a liberated lady who desired him. In addition, Paladin was also a 'James Bond of the West,' character, a...

*gourmet and connoisseur of fine wine, fine women, and Ming Dynasty artifacts, Paladin would quote Keats, Shelley, and Shakespeare with the same self-assurance that he brought to the subjugation of frontier evildoers..

absent the Bond gadgets, of course. In the Fifties the issue of sex had to be handled more delicately than in books and film, but the viewers of the era clearly understood all which was implied. When I watch with my son I find I have to interpret, i.e., explain the subtext to him. Without my explanations he'd be completely clueless.





This lovely actress also appeared at the end of the pilot episode, THREE BELLS TO PERDIDO.


Her fancy dress and ethnicity gives her away as a lady of the night

I'm forced to disagree with your assumption. For one thing, why bother wining and dining hookers? Paladin's female Carlton companions all strike me as rather racy ladies of means and good family, e.g. an adorably kittenish pre-Cary Grant Dyan Cannon who, in "Twenty-Four Hours at North Fork," makes reference to an irate uncle who, concerned with her reputation, can be expected to demand satisfaction (in fact, it's the episode's catalyst).
I always took the lovely to whom you're referring to be an upper-class Mexican lady, which would certainly make sense in San Francisco.


You may well be right.

Some things you just can't ride around...


Or not. ;) Still, San Francisco had a reputation as a rather racy town so it might very well have attracted adventurous females of good family who would have felt stifled "back East" (or in Mexico, for that matter).


It would certainly be the place for moi...

Some things you just can't ride around...


