Actor in the Bar Scene

I just caught a few minutes of this movie last night. Who is the actor playing the guy making out with Marylee in the bar when Mitch and Kyle come in and start the fight? He reminded me of Lee J. Cobb.



Yes, the same John Larch who was killed by Jessica Walter near the end of "Play Misty for Me," who was the Chief of Police in "Dirty Harry," and, most importantly, the father of Little Anthony Freemont in the "Twilight Zone" episode, "It's a Good Life."

And it's a good thing that you put me in the cornfield, Anthony; a real good thing.


THANK YOU! I have been wracking my brain all weekend!


Yes. That was John Larch. That was a great scene when Hudson comes to Robert Stack's defense after Stack gets beaten up by Larch. Man, did Hudson wallop John Larch around. Stack was not a happy camper when he realized Hudson could beat Larch so easily.


I LOVE that scene. Especially Dorothy Malone just standing up on the booth seat holding her drink (wearing pink gloves) just smirking and laughing at the guys as they brawl. Brilliantly hilarious!

I can resist anything but temptation.


The same John Larch who starred in a Naked City episode titled "Today the Man who Kills the Ants is Coming."
