Edward Bernds

was the director of this, sure enuff. But wasn't he also the guy that helmed many of the Three Stooges shorts as well?. Small world, indeed, if he also guided the making of this mini moldy masterwork!

Sacred cows make delicious hamburgers.


Hi, Y! Mr. Bernds (sounds rather Simpson-esque, doesn't it?) was indeed the pilot who drove many of the Stooges' shorts into the ground, if that isn't too much of an off-putting visual. But he also helmed the immortal Queen of Outer Space as well as The Return of the Fly, which he took over after the director of the original Fly, Kurt Neumann, killed himself when asked to do the sequel.

But I agree, WWE is unquestionably a mini-masterwork, the identity of its auteur notwithstanding. Small world without end, indeedy.
