MovieChat Forums > Three Violent People Discussion > Not a single topic on this film?

Not a single topic on this film?

Are there really no people out there who has anything to say about this movie? It's out on DVD so plenty should have seen it by now.

Is it bad to most, or just very forgettable?

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Well, I am a western fan and have had the dvd in my collection for about two years and finally took time to watch it. I think it is pretty forgettable. The photography was very nice and the Arizona scenery (supposedly took place in Texas but shot in AZ) was gorgeous. I always like high production values so the sets were and costuming were great. But the story was pretty dismal and not very credible in many ways. Okay, I can suspend disbelief as well as anyone in order to enjoy a story but the story was not very good. Call it a star cast making the best of a not-very-good script.


It's one of my favorites, because I collect movies made in Arizona. It's a treat to look at.
