Frankie Groves's age

Help me out here. Frankie, the youngest child, appears to be 10 or so years old. Yet according to IMDb she's played by Judy Nugent, who (according to IMDb) was 15 or 16 when the movie was made and thus a year or so older than Gigi Perreau, who plays her older sister Ellen, who looks 15 or 16 in the movie!

What am I missing?


that's Hwood for ya
They tell em
ta play a certain age
an then try ta pass
for that certain age

Happens in films
and on tv too
Just look at Room 222
when some of em kids
are elder n K Valentine
as the teach

And then they spend
like six seasons in 11th grade

Just look at Eight is Enough
three of those sisters
are elder n their big brother
and some even elder n
their stepmother

Same with P Junction
G Island
any show where
they're stuck in
a certain age

Meanwhile back in film
They get an actress
to play S Temple
in an S Temple Biopic
who's like 16
when S Temple
is still a toddler
and a major star

And isn't the elder brother
in this film
also like 25
when he's in H School

I actually know
some kids and alum
who graduated H School
at like age 25
that is
if they graduate

But that is for another day
Meanwhile back in Hwood
that just goes to show
that kids were much more mature
back then than they are today

Better ta look up to em
than not ta look up at em
because they were here
before the rest of us

♪  Not even Mad Scientists
get it right every time
[harp] 🎻 [saint] [candle] [piano]


You've made my day. "And then they spend like six seasons in 11th grade". LOL!
