
So I've always wanted to know what is being said in the songs in this movie...from the beginning medley over the credits, to the various songs in the teahouse and while they are constructing it. I know somebody posted the translation to Lotus Blossom's song; is there any place I could find more translations? I'm not sure where to begin looking.


I was in the play that the movie was adapted from two years ago. If you can get ahold of the script in the library or buy it from dramatists, it has both the okinawan and the translation.


If you can get the DVD, I'm sure it's in the closed captions. I say this because I'm sitting here watching it on TCM and they've got the Japanese words in the captioning -- not just "speaking Japanese" like in most pictures!

I want to know what dance that is that Lotus Blossom does in the teahouse. It's so lovely.


The song played over the opening credits 'Sakura, Sakura', a very famous Japanese song. I'm just now watching the DVD for the first time, so I'll try to get more for you as the movie goes on because I majored in Japanese in university and can usually pick things out.

Wikipedia has information on the song:


The song sung by Lotus Blossom is about the cherry blossoms. It is a traditional Japanese song. My class studied Japan and its culture and we learned and performed this song for the school.
