What country?

Where exactly was this movie supposed to take place? I don't think the name of the country was ever mentioned. It seemed like it was somewhere in 19th century Europe, but where?

Intelligence and purity.


The beginning of the movie said Central Europe, 1910. It's supposed to be a fictional country.


I missed the first few minutes of the movie, so I didn't see that. Yeah, it must have been a fictional country.

Intelligence and purity.


They mentioned France a lot in the movie, so I'm guessing it's a small country near it.


Austria Hungery


Princess Alexandra (Alix), was the daughter of Prince Christian of Denmark. This had a lot to do with the Schleswig-Holstein division with the ownership going back and forth to Denmark and Germany. I know from my genealogy study that my great-grandfather was born in S-H and was first known to be a Dane and then a German. I don't know if there was a professor, but it made for a good story.

I know this is oversimplification, but I didn't want to give a history lesson.
