Janet Leigh's bath

After Mature saves Janet from crocs and she's having a bath, you can clearly see one of her breasts in the tub.



Geez, he only saves her from crocs once and she only has one bath.


Apparently she only has one breast left too -- the other's floating somewhere in the tub.


Wasn't the only boob on view. You had Mature hitting his head as he got into the car after he's just buried his son. Leigh fluffs one of her lines in the mutual bathing scene. There are continuity problems between scenes as Leigh's lurid wardrobe switches back and forward. There's also some atrocious dubbing.


There are continuity problems between scenes as Leigh's lurid wardrobe switches back and forward

What scene(s) does that occur in?


Studied the scene carefully, "can clearly see" is an exaggeration.

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.
