Makes my blood boil.....

Cannes in 1956 had a selection of great films, and it intrigued me that a documentary beat all of them. I have long awaited my chance to watch this "masterpiece", and could not believe it when I got a chance to do so today.

After the initial portions about the dolphins, I found the film to be horrendous until the very end. Quite honestly, while I watching this film, I initially thought that it was ironically trying to highlight issues of cruelty to marine animals. Why else would they show such grisly sights such as a whale being harpooned and then eaten by sharks, then those very sharks been caught and bludgeoned (all explicitly shown in graphic detail), or a giant fish losing all the water in its body parts and suffocating to painfully to death?

But by the time the film showed turtles being used as stools, it was obvious that the film
thought that these instances of animal harassment were "funny", and made for good entertainment.

This film should be required viewing in schools just so people can understand how values (even in celebrated works of art) can very soon become antiquated and backward. We constantly need to be questioning the appropriateness of our values, and striving to be more humane, and there is no better movie that proves it than this.
