MovieChat Forums > Moby Dick (1956) Discussion > More rope used in MOBY DICK than any mov...

More rope used in MOBY DICK than any movie in history!!!

It's true. There was so much rope used in John Huston's adaptation of MOBY DICK that it could circle the earth three times.


Farley, if we're going nautical here, then it's not "rope", it's properly referred to as "line"!!!


When you say "line," I'm sure you mean "sentence."


By saying "sentence," I can only imagine that you mean "punishment."


Let's keep handcuffs and whips out of this, if you please (at least until the weekend).


Gee, Farley, I had rather thought that the logical conclusion of this riff might have been "sentence" cum "rope," as in "hang 'am high!" thus bringing the discussion full circle, like a hangman's noose, as it were.

Weekend seems a long way off on a Tuesday...

How's Cliff Scully doing these days?
