Que Sera, Sera



I was surprised the lyrics were different in the film versus the record.


I always think of my son now whenever I here this song...
A little story.... In the 90's , my son was doing the TV Guide cross word puzzle. He was stumped and asked me for help. The clue was: Singer who made Que Sera Sera a hit in "The Man Who Knew Too Much".
My son pronounced it, Q Sarah Sarah....
I didn't think I'd stop laughing but when I did, I gave him the answer and then I sang the song.
To this day, I still think of my son when I here that song. It makes me smile.

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"


My mom used to sing this a lot when I was growing up. I never knew it was from this movie until now.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250
