Is this the one???!!!

36 years ago tonight I was watching a horror flick on Channel 4 out of Terre Haute, Indiana, when I went into labor for the birth of our first son. I've been searching (off and on) for the title for many years, and I think that this may be the right movie. Is there a scene in the dead of night where a policeman with a flashlight walks slowly toward the ditch on a deserted road, drawn by a sound the audience knows is being made by the alien? I don't know what happened that point, my water broke. I'd love to verify that this is the movie I've been searching for all these years.


Could you be describing "Them!", the giant ant movie?

I've just watched "It Conquered the World" (the MST3K version), and as far as I remember it doesn't have any policemen, just army types; and they're menaced by flying bats, mostly in the daytime.


Drat! Thought I'd found it! I know that it wasn't "Them!", as I remember that one. To be honest, I've always thought that the title was "The Creature That Devoured the Earth", but IMDB had no matches for that title, so I started playing around with World and Devoured and various combinations. That's when I stumbled on "It Conquered the World" and thought I'd made a match. Thanks for clarifying that it was not the one I remembered. I know that it was a B movie in black and white...maybe even a B- from the special effects that I do remember! If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear them.


Could you describe the plot a little more please? :)
Maybe it was "It Came From Outer Space"?

Bimbo Boy


A similar title is The Monster That Challenged The World (1957)

There is a scene in which two patrolmen investigate a car stalled by the side of a road that runs along a canal. They are startled when one of the monster's victims comes stumbling out of the bushes. However, they're carrying guns, not flashlights.


This could be it! Considering that I went into labor at that moment, I never saw what the patrolman saw and 36 years later I may be remembering a flashlight instead of a gun. It would be worth it to find a print and check it out. I always thought it would be a neat birthday gift for my son. Thanks!


Could it have possibly been 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'?

Short Cut, Draw Blood


If your water broke, you better go and fix it!


I did. He weighed 8 lb 8 oz and is now 37 years old. And has a sense of humor like yours!


AJ - if you're still curious, go to
and watch the whole movie. Hope your son looks nothing like the creature! (you weren't 'visited' by a strange, bat-like creature, 9 months earlier???)


Thanks, jondoe....I'm on my way to You Tube and will let you know.
