Interesting take on ICTW

It was something I read recently in Bill Warren's 'Keep Watching the
Skies'; confirming what I initially felt about this film -

"If it had a bigger budget, better effects, more time to flesh out the
script; etc., it could have been one of the far better S.F. films of the 50's."

I always felt the potential was there.


Yeah could be, but it´s still a little pointless argument - I mean, Plan 9 From Outer Space could also have been "one of the better SF films" if it had a better script, better set design, better acting and so forth. But, alas, it didn´t and neither did ICTW. They´re both silly, goofy films and perfectly enjoyable as such.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


You could say that about 75% of bad movies out there.

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."


Some were 'interesting failures', which could be improved as remakes.
