This movie

I just watched it and it is far superior over that 'Troy' crap !


Absolutely, the storyline is at least 95% as in the "Iliad". Hollywood took some liberties but the story flows smoothly. Rossana Podesta was perfect as Helen. She was regal, and could have been the queen of Sparta. The storyline is very plausible and gives the viewer a better look at the Trojan war. I think the short scene showing how the Trojans made their compound bows is a tribute to this film. The cousin, Lord Aeneas is not lost in this movie and it gives us an idea as to the true political situation in both Greece and Troy. Robert Wise directed this film with a budget of $6 million and he used 30,000 extras for the combat scenes. Considering the lack of SFX this film does justice to the actors and story. Achilles was not the center stage of Troy. It always has been about Helen and Paris. I have a total disgust toward "Troy" since it paints Paris as weak and cowardly. Far from the truth and "Troy" was a character assassination of Paris. Paris killed Achilles, and this film is totally plausible if not correct.


I have a total disgust toward "Troy" since it paints Paris as weak and cowardly. Far from the truth
What are you talking about? Paris was portrayed as "weak and cowardly" in The Iliad, you know, the definitive source for the story of Troy? Whatever way you spin it, he was far from the hero of that tale.

There's no love in your violence.


Try to find the Steve Reeves one "The Trojan Horse" in that one Paris is more of a bad guy.

See some stars here


Yes, it certainly is. It's also better than all the other versions, including the tv miniseries which had an ubelievably cumbersome elaborately cast iron or bronze horse that would have been impossible to assemble by an army on the beachfront, unless they brought an army of metalsmiths and colossal amounts of ore to smelt in a foundry so large it would have given the plan away years before it's completion. Then, there's the one that looks like a Japanese origami horse in "The Trojan Horse" , the Steve Reeves version, quite laughable.
And despite the critics, the actors are far better at portraying these classic characters in this film ; the writer's got it right. The wimpy Paris in "Troy" and the slutty Helen in the tv version just don't cut it.
Menelaus and Agamemnon were NOT killed at Troy as portrayed in the awful "Troy"
and the vainglorious Achilles was better concieved as Sir Stanley Baker played him, this 1956 film even had the guts to show him grieving over his dead lover, Patroclus.



The only movie that I think resembled the trojan war the most was this 10 minute scene of it in that made for TV Odyssey movie with Armand Assante. Out of every adaptation of the trojan war I've seen; I'd say Helen of Troy (1956) was the closest compared to Troy and Helen of Troy (2003). Troy was a sad excuse just to make money and that 2003 mini-series was bland and boring.


But if only Janette Scott could act.
Comparing this with another of her movies, The Day Of The Triffids, her most memorable lines from both have been

There's an art to making love. And you don't even have a paintbrush.




not really

they are both mediocre

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


This one is fairly average, Petersen's version sucks.



That s0-called Troy crap flick sure has a beautiful score, though.

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.


TROY's score pales in comparison, however , to the gorgeous one by Max Steiner for HELEN OF TROY .

Also James Horner's score which I liked was a replacement at the last minute for the Gabriel Yared's which is supposedly superior.
