Thanks to Mystery Science Theater 3000, I have a DVD copy of Beverly Garland at her gunslingin' best!

The Wild West like it really was! (well, sort of...)

"Sooner or later, everyone runs."


"Cue the horses!"

"You can trust your car to the lady with a star."

"The Pony Express: when it absolutely, positively has to be there in three or four weeks or so."

"Boy, it's really blue out today."

***That was dirty pool -- using a Freud quote.***


-We're here to bid farewell to Scott Hood.
Tom Servo: Brother of Boys 'n' The.

Get off my ravioli!

Tom Servo: I shot the deputy...but I didn't shoot the sheriff.

Joel: Buns of Steel of the Old West.

Sheriff Hood: Oh, you're there. I didn't hear you.
Tom Servo: He didn't hear her? Some sheriff...

Scott Hood: You stick to the coffee, dear. I'll handle the criminal element.
[Sheriff Hood gets shot in the back by assassins]
Tom Servo: No, I won't.

Crow: My set is melting, melting...what a world!



"It's like The Terror of Tiny Town only bigger."

"Oh no, we're back to June"

"This movie is sitting on my head and crushing it."

"We now return to non-sequitur theatre"

Yes, I killed Yvette. I hated her sooo much. F - flames, on the sides of my face - heaving, breath-


" Man......Look what's coming out of your Horse...!! "


Rose: Have you ever seen a peace officer in a corset?
Crow: Yeah, your husband.

Servo: Guys, that's a baobab tree; they're in the serengeti!

Cane: Look, there's the big dipper.
Joel: But it's daytime.

Joel: What was that?
Crow: Something that hasn't been invented yet.

From the host segments
(Servo moves through time)
Crow: He does this at night; scares the hell out of me!

Servo: We deep-fried the letters.
Joel: Why?
Servo: I'm not sure I understand the question, Joel.


Servo: "My enemies don't realize I'm very vulnerable right now."

After the sheriff is nearly hanged by a gang:
Crow: "My new shirt"
*sheriff begins to cry*
Crow: "She didn't even cry when her husband died."

Erica: "I'll see you in your room tonight"
Crow: "It's a hallway and don't you forget it!"


Mayor Polk: Scott Hood...
Servo: (as Hood) What? I'm dead!

Mayor Polk: Let me see if I got this straight
Crow: (as Mayor Polk) You're a man playing a woman playing a man

Crow: He likes to get WAY out of town to pee

Joel: Tastiest Sheriff in the old west!

Rose: Why don't you do your drinking in your room Cane?
Servo: (as Cane) It's a hall!

Servo: (as Cane) Booze has knighted me King of the Lovers!

Servo: (as Jake gets shot by Cane) Oh, right in the little man!

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


It was a total hoot. I wish I had it, all I have is an old VHS copy, and my player is no longer working darn.
I especially loved the beginning, when he outlaws are ridding into town, only the AREN'T, they just sitting there, and Joel says, "Cue the horses." And then they start riding.


(during the duel scene)
"I think they should start dating other people"
"Back then, when couples had relationship issues, they really had relationship issues"
