Singing ????

So overnight she gets a singing contract ? No offense, Margaret has a lovely voice if that is really her singing, but the dude was singing Glory as if it were her name. It's the horse's name, for God's sake! Margaret must really have needed some money to make this turkey !


It wasn't really that bad, I thought O'Brien was a cute little girl, I wish she would have played more roles like this... Wasn't her line though.

I guess she didn't need the money all that much, her Mom kept a trust fund from all the money she made from the juvenile films of the 40's and early 50's.

There were even Margaret O'Brien COLORING books for cryin in the beer!

I think I must be crazy cos I thought she was a really attractive girl in this film. The story WAS kind of stupid though, waste of a Walter Brennan part.


According to the soundtrack notes, Norma Zimmer dubbed O'Brien's singing.
