MovieChat Forums > The Fastest Gun Alive (1956) Discussion > I missed the ending! What happened? (co...

I missed the ending! What happened? (contains spoilers)

We had dinner reservations for my hubby's birthday celebration, and we HAD to leave, so I missed the ending.

Spoilers below...

The last part that I saw was when George decided to go ahead and go outside, and Vinnie came out of the saloon and started walking toward him. Can anyone please tell me what happened after that? Thanks in advance.



There is a shoot out between the two. You see each man draw and here the gunshots. It cuts to George's wife hanging her head in sorrow. Then it fades out and we come upon a funeral in town. A posse rides by carrying the body of Vinnie and his partner. We see that the tombstone has George's name on it, and it says he was killed by Vinnie. The leader of the posse asks one of the townspeople what happened and he says that George was the fastest gun alive. The leader asks how he was killed then, and the the guy says "He wanted it that way." Then when they leave we see that George is one of the attendees at the funeral and the whole town has faked George's death. George asks the priest (or someone from town) what they buried and he says that it's just a coffin full of rocks along with the reputation of the fastest gun alive.

I might have some details in the wrong order, but the basic premise is that George killed Vinnie and his partner and the everyone in town says that George has been killed too, with the intention of keeping his reputation but allowing George to live his life in peace under a new name.


Thank you very much for sharing that with me. I like that ending. :-)


That's not quite correct. When the posse come into town at the end, the funeral is proceeding. They have Vinnie's two cohorts, dead, draped over their horses, not Vinnie. There are two wooden tombstones. One say that it contains the body of Vinnie killed by George and the other says it contains the body of George killed by Vinnie. Supposedly they killed each other in the shoot out. Then you have the final scene in which George tells the town that the gun is buried along with his "body," and everyone goes home happy.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it!
