Billy Needed a Job

Billy was desperate for work. Snow said he could work on his fishing boat but Billy declined due to the smell of mackerel. Had Billy accepted, he'd have had no reason to plan the robbery with Jigger and Julie and Billy could have spent a happy life together but it wasn't meant to be and the entire storyline would have had to change. Also, the film never explains how Carrie got money to support herself and her daughter in their own house since she never re-married.


It's a good observation but I really don't see the relevance. Re. Julie (whom I assume you meant as Carrie was with Mr Snow who lived) she stayed with Cousin Nettie and she presumably helped out.

OK so if you've all finished pissing around hey you get that bloody elbow up!


Billy (gazing at the house and its surroundings): Julie managed all right, I guess.
Heavenly Friend: Ay-uh. She had to.


I always assumed she went back to work in the factory.
"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


This was my main problem with the story. If Billy was so excited about having a kid and needing to provide for his family why didn't he suck it up and go make ammends with Mr. Snow? I mean the guy was a pretentious d-bag but I think that Carrie would work her magic and help smooth the situation.

I don't think everything would be happily ever after (he'd probably go back to his old ways) but it's better than him falling on his own knife during a botched robbery.


Billy Bigelow is a character of low intelligence, a lout who makes many wrong choices in life. He's going for a fast score. You really can picture him working on a herring boat?


That was my other thing. Even if he was working on a herring boat how long before he either gets fired or loses interest and goes back to his old ways?


Or throws Snow over the side?


"Billy Bigelow is a character of low intelligence, a lout who makes many wrong choices in life."

Finally, somebody on here got it. The guy was a lowlife, a moron, an abuser, a criminal, and a total loser. So many people on here go on and on about how romantic and wonderful the story is of a jerkoff who slaps his wife and daughter around. It spoils what little remaining belief I have in the intelligence of humanity.

