What Happens After

I predict that Baby Doll will get an annulment and with her aunt, run off with the Sicilian. The drunk ex-husband will die alone and sad. :D


Part of me wants to think that Silva came back for Baby Doll and they eventually got married (after her divorce from Archie Lee). They then moved into a big expensive house near Tiger Tail Bayou where Aunt Rose Comfort was there fixing them meals and running off to the county hospital to eat dying folks chocolate candy.

But, I don't think it ended up that way.....

I think that Silva got what he wanted out of the deal, which was to get a signed confession that Archie Lee burned down the Syndicate Gin and he also (in my opinion) wanted Archie Lee to believe that he was going to take Baby Doll away from him as an added measure of revenge. Now, Silva **MIGHT** have gone back to see how she was, but I don't think he was seriously interested in her as in the marriage type way.

LOL, I think that if the movie had went on we would have seen Silva possibly coming back to check on Baby Doll, but breaking the news to her that he wasn't interested in her like that. Archie would have probably been charged, but I don't think he would have served much time, IF ANY with it being 1950s Mississippi. He would have then came back to Baby Doll and hung around her "like an old dog" and with Baby Doll never having gotten past the 4th grade and not knowing long division, she would have stayed with him.

Well, that's my 2 cents on it.

I'm kind of a big deal!


I totally disagree and I put my own spin on it in this thread:


I think he comes back, she gets the marriage annulled, they go off with Vacarro, and he gives her the opportunity to be the woman her father and Archie Lee never allowed her to be.
