Best Line in the Movie

Can't enter this as a Memorable quote because I don't know the actor's name who says it.

In the Reform Club at the beginning, there's almost total silence, with lots of elderly members dozing in huge leather armchairs. A cat pads quietly across the room, and one of the members says 'Do we have to have that infernal animal thundering around in here?'

I thought it was funny, anyway.


It's very funny! (He replied seven months later).



That and the "Damn redskins will drink anything over there!"
(refering to having ice put into his drink)

(He replied another seven months later)

It is a beautiful day... for a Reign of *terror*!


I am watching it right now and I believe he called it "confounded", not infernal.


I love it when Niven says "Come on Man, come on!" when Cantiflas is running to catch the train.

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!


Phileas' "And I will do so without any further invitation!" Right before he hits the guy on the head.


I think my favorite line is when Fogg poured all the money into the carpetbag and he told passpatout to watch over it

CANTIFLAS: I shall guard it was a woman.

NIVEN: Just watch over it don't make love to it.


That was good!


Being a life long government bureaucrat, I especially appreciate the exchange between Passpartout and Mr. Fix when Fix says that Phileas Fogg must establish his identity in person:

"Passpartout: Is this necessary?
Fix: It's not necessary. Mandatory."



Why hang me for a sheep stealing son of a tarantula. If you ain't a pack of yellow-bellied milkstops.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


For me it's always been Fogg's response to the statement that he was diddled on the price of the elephant: "Undoubtedly, but it's not often one needs an elephant in a hurry."

Also "There will be no further fiddle faddle."

And my father, from Spain, always got a hoot out of Cantinflas' conversation with the townspeople in Spain.

Cantinflas at the stake: "Que me quema!" I always remember him adding "It's too warm", but I think I might have imagined it.



Not a line, but I love watching David Niven during the Flamenco sequence: He's trying hard to stay in unmovable Phileas Fogg character, but when Jose Greco starts to dance on the table, Niven can't help sort leaning forward to watch, keeping time with his umbrella, and when the dance is done, he raises the umbrella by means of applause.

It really feels like Niven and Cantinflas got along nicely in this movie.

I'm going to toss in Hermione Gingold lifting her skirt to get cash for her bet with Glynis Johns, and crying out: "Fetch a policeman - I've been robbed!"
