The Real Anastasia

She was only 17 years old when she died in 1918 during the execution of the Russian Royal family in a cellar. She was a beautiful young lady and too bad all that past hype and romanticism about her 'surviving' the ordeal turned out to be for naught.

I was never a believer in her surviving that mass execution and Anna Anderson's claims to really be her. Anderson's story about being saved by a Russian soldier and that he took her to safety, reeked too much of a fluffy romance novel. In reality, all those Red Army soldiers detested the monarchy.

It's an interesting story regarding Russia's last Royal Family. The bullet holes from their execution could still be seen on the cellar walls until the building was torn down in 1977. A large church rests on that spot today.

May The Grand Duchess Anastasia RIP along with the rest of her family now that their remains have been found and properly buried.

The more I study it, the greater the puzzle becomes.
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad


It's amazing to me that anyone believed this stupid myth for more than 8 seconds.

Anna Anderson COULD NOT speak Russian! I've never heard of amnesia causing you to permanently forget your native language.


People believed it because they wanted to believe it. So many people had lost everyone and everything the cared about to the Bolshevik Terror, so when a morsel of hope was offered, in the form of the "Anastasia survived" story, people were eager to grasp at any straw they could. Some truly believed, some wanted to further their own goals, some doubted, and some outright refused to believe it. In the final analysis, the real Grand Duchess Anastasia died in the cellar with her family almost 100 years ago. Let them rest in peace.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
