worst battle scene ever

the second battle scene where bad hair Shakespearean ham actor richard burton says we must hold, then charge and kill Darius. I don't know the exact numbers here but suffice it to say there was something like 80,000 persian troops and 10,000 macedonian ones and they dumb it down to 3 chariots charging into alexanders troops which they then split in two and let them in, then kill them. then, alex charges forward with about 38 guys and throws a spear, while 68 persians sort of stand around and watch and wave their swords a bit with their horses hardly moving a foot back and forth. then darius runs away. . too bad cause the look of the movie was really good. the sets,the costumes etc were great. I can see why burton was scared of doing any more epics after this though.this battle scene was about as exciting as watching Canadian curling.
