
In the beginning of the movie when Edmund Gwynne's character finds Harry he pulls a letter out of Harry's pocket. The letter is addressed to Harry Worp.

Gwynne's character assumes the name of the body is Harry Worp. However the stamp is not cancelled; meaning the letter is to be sent to Harry Worp.


Well I was wondering why he carries letters around with him anyway. I thought maybe we would find out that Captain was mistaking and the letter was actually to be delivered to Harry, and that the body was not Harry at all, and we would have a case of an unknown identity. But then Jennifer confirmed it was Harry and that ruined that bit of intrigue. And this movie could have used a bit more intrigue and entertainment, in my opinion.


Watching the film on Blu-ray on my large screed I saw clearly that the stamp was cancelled but the ink was quite faint. So he was indeed Harry Worp.
