TCM is slated to run this in June 2011 as part of their Drive-In Thursday features- I hope they use the original widescreen print!!!


I was hoping also...but no such luck.

"Self-sacrifice is the real miracle out of which all reported miracles grow"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



Well actually the movie was filmed in the full square aspect ratio of 1.37. Universal had the theaters crop the image to 1.85 to make it widescreen. So basically you are seeing more frame than the theaters presented.


Spudwas is correct, filmed at l.37:1 aspect ratio, leaving extra space at the top and bottom of the picture with the intention that a projector mask would crop it to 1.85:1. Theaters with small screens could show it at 1.66:1 or even unmasked at 1.37:1. You can have the widescreen version simply by using the setting on your TV called either "Zoom" or "Screen Expand", which expands the picture in proportion horizonaly and vertically.


He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45


The German Blu-ray offers both 1.33:1 and 1,78:1. Even better, it has a 24-minute on-camera interview with Jack Arnold in the extras.

"Security - release the badgers."
