Deleted Scene

None of you will probably believe this but when this movie came to my hometown theater, a friend of mine and I went to the matinee which would have the first time it was shown. It opened up inside the house, not in the desert, in the bathroom with the sound of the shower running. A deformed hand reaches around the corner and gradually a deformed face appears. The camera pans right to the shower with the closed curtain, the curtain opens and there stands our heroine naked from the waist up, she then grabs a towel and begins to dry her legs. At that point the screen went white and a few seconds later, it starts where the movie does now, with the deformed man in the desert. I damned near dropped my popcorn during that first scene. That was something to see at 10. Well being no dummies, the movies were shown continuously there, so we hung around to see it again. Alas they caught it and did not show the shower scene again. I watched it again the other night and could not figure out where that scene would have fit in.


Your confused...this is a false memory..but not completely false. What you are remembering is the openi ng scene from Beast of Yucca Flat with Tor Johnson. Occasionally i have intermixed scenes from two different films. Let me know if im correct.
