Moronic DVD commentary

The so-called film scholar Fox got to do the commentary on the DVD release of SOF is certainly an idiot. Early on he states that the plot of the film has in large part to do with the People's Republic of China, which he solemnly informs us was commonly known in the 50s as "Maoist China". Maoist China??? Who, anywhere, anytime, ever called it that? Communist China. Red China. But Maoist China? This guy is an uninformed fool. Even today, no one, anywhere, ever calls it Maoist China. Except this boob.

And even as a film "authority" he flunks badly. At one point he states that Gable made a western after SOF that was originally called "The Tall Men", but that its title was later changed to "The King and Four Queens" to cash in on Gable's nickname as The King of Hollywood. Again, we ask: Huh? Those are two separate movies, professor -- "The Tall Men" done for Fox later in 1955, followed in 1956 by the entirely separate, unrelated, nothing-in-common "A King and Four Queens". Not the same film. No title change. Different movie altogether. Got it, dumbbell?

How do they let such idiots do commentaries on DVDs? Shouldn't it be a prerequisite of the job that YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT?

Just venting.


Thanks for the follow-up. I just saw the film on fast forward to see the Hong Kong on location shots with the commentary but I will go back to the film afterwards.

Yeah, the guy didn't seem to know much of Hong Kong either. A shame as there are some interesting points like the Peak tram is not a "cable car" and the station that Gable stood on in the title sequence still exists (now that's rare in Hong Kong!). It still looked very much the same until a few years ago but not sure if they modernised it by now. Also the grand mansion belonging to Gable was nearly demolished recently but was saved temporarily although it suffered much exterior damage.


Now that's interesting, and informed, as are your other posts on this site that I've read. I wish Fox had used you for the commentary! (Seriously.)
