Can't wait to see third film

Toshiro Mifune has proven time and time again that he is the embodiment of greatness. Every time I see a film of his, he rises higher and higher on my "greatest actors of all time" list. I don't know how he sustained greatness over so long of a time (or could it be that I've only just seen his great films?), but he still surprises me.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment in this trilogy - and this follow-up far exceeded all my expectations. The only other film by Hiroshi Inagaki I'd seen prior to these two was Chushingura - which I found a bit wanting (though it had a very intriguing story). If the third film in this trilogy (which I'll see next week) is on par with the other two (or even slightly worse than), then I can place this trilogy on the level with the other greats: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (original trilogy), The Godfather, etc.

It's been awhile since I've been this surprised over a film - but what else should I expect from Toshiro Mifune? ;)

Now let the pebble go. There goes Australia! See how stupid your theory is? - Gurtinator



Mifune was awesome indeed. If only he were immortal.

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