Not enough chemistry

I didn't really think James Dean and Natalie Wood had enough chemistry. If you watch James Dean and Julie Harris in East of Eden, they had great chemistry. They went so well together. I didn't get that with James Dean and Natalie Wood. For me, it didn't even come close.


I have to agree and disagee with you. I agree with you in relation of the chemistry between Dean and Harris in East of Eden, it was convincing seeing them grow close to each other through out the narrative. However I think there was also cheminstry between Dean and Wood, in particular the scene where they spend time alone in the deserted mansion. There was a sense of tenderness between the two, both had found the love they were looking for.

Though I disagree with your opinion of a lack of chemistry, I have my own criticism of their relationship. It did seem to be rushed as the narrative only consist of a day. If the narrative period had been longer then it would have allowed their relationship to grow at a more realistic rate and maybe you would have been more convinced of their chemistry.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I agree. It did seemed rushed and happened way too fast. Judy also forgot about Buzz real fast.


Judy also forgot about Buzz real fast.

Another criticism of mine, it doesn't portray her in a positive light. Although it can be argued that her relationship with Buzz held no true value in comparison to her and Jim.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".



You know, you're right. She did seem quite younger than him. She turned out to be only 17. I just didn't feel it with them. I thought James Dean and Julie Harris were so great together in East of Eden. I really didn't think Natalie Wood was that great in Rebel. I loved her in West Side Story and thought she gave a great performance in Splendor in the Grass. I'm curious how Jayne Mansfield would have been with Dean. I was also very letdown by the kissing scene in Rebel. In East of Eden, one of my favorite parts is when they're on the ferris wheel. Jimmy and Julie had a couple great romantic moments in Eden. I'm curious how Jayne Mansfield would have played the love scene with Dean. She had some pretty hot scenes with Lawrence Tierney in Female Jungle. Jayne was also closer to Jimmy's age. Ray didn't even film her screen test. He really didn't want her. I'm curious how she would have been. I think she would have been more believable as the wild rebellious Judy looking for love.


Because Natalie Wood slept with Ray and got the part, anyway.



i agree the chemistry with James dean and julie harris in east of eden was great. maybe the chemistry with natalie wood was not as strong, but i still dont think it was zero chemistry, just not enough of it to make the relationship of their characters matter.


i like James Dean in general as a great actor, but yeah chemistry was lacking with natalie wood.


Who knows? My guess is that she fell in love with him from the start; that scene when they're walking together and he says something like "Life can be beautiful". But maybe she was hiding her feelings -as she was still hanging around with Buzz and his gang- just to give a "tough girl" image. She wanted to be loved and love someone, but she would never say it or accept it. Then again, it's true there was little chemistry between her and Jim, but there was none whatsoever between her and Buzz.


I always thought James Dean and Sal Mineo had more chemistry in this film than Dean had with Julie Harris.


Yeah, I think the same. And more chemestry than with Wood too.
