Funny story...

I seem to remember some time ago reading something about a behind-the-scenes story concerning this film-- can't confirm it exactly, just some odd bit I happened to come across and it somehow stuck with me in my memory.

Apparently, Broderick Crawford and Sinatra didn't quite get along and taunted one another constantly and mercilessly (Sinatra would focus on Crawford's drinking habits and in turn, Crawford would comment on Sinatra's toupee).

At one point the antagonism got so heated it became physical, culminating in Crawford tearing the hairpiece right off Frank's head and shoving it into his mouth in an attempt to eat it-- but so much so that he accidentally choked himself on it and had to be attended to by studio medical personnel.

A story so ridiculous, I can't help but completely believe it.

Anyone hear of this???

How many syllables Mario?


Yeah,was just reading about it tonight in robert mitchums biography.its true lol


Headline: Actor cant swallow own joke!
