The Big Shootout

I'll say one thing...Masterson, Earp, and Holliday had to make a statement to the bad guys in this film.

And that statement was:

We don't care how many of ya there are. We three are gonna walk slowly down the middle of the street and casually plug 20 armed guys full'a lead, with no regard to the fact that all 20 of ya are shootin' at us. Go ahead and jump for cover, ya lily-livered polecats. We're the HEROES in this picture! Cover? We don't need no stinking cover....

The end tally:

Masterson, Earp, and Holliday - 20 dead men
The 20 dead men - all dead, and not one shot from their guns hit Masterson, Earp, or Holliday...despite the fact that all the bad guys took cover and started shooting at Masterson, Earp, and Holliday simultaneously. And it looked as if a bunch of the bad guys were *aiming* at Masterson, Earp, and Holliday, who were shootin' from the hip.

Extremely entertaining.


They didn't even have to aim. Just drop a guy from 30 yards no problem. And they didn't spread out so a "hail of gunshots" would have to got at least one?

Kisskiss, Bangbang
