Princess Nellifer

Wasn't Joan Collins so stunning in the role?


Yes - absolutely stunning and ravishing! Joan Collins is the greatest screen vixen of them all. Her costumes in this movie as Princess Nellifer from Cyprus are both lovely and elegant. I especially love the last costume she wore in the film, with the beautiful lotus-flowers necklace. Wow!
I recall reading a story in one of the movie fan magazines in the 1950s in which she recounted having the jewels inserted in her navel falling out at the wrong times, and her dressing girl having to quickly pop it back in!



Joan Collins looks awful in this. The dark makeup used on her face makes her look like she was covered in cocao powder. The way she moves her lips when she speaks is pure ham.


Aaahhh, no. In a word, no.

Eye of the beholder and all that, but I thought she was awful. The makeup did her no favours at all -- at times she looked like a painted pumpkin, and at other times so bronzed she was almost green -- and had the unfortunate effect of starkly highlighting her natural tendency to look spoiled and petulant.

But, truth be told, I've never thought much of her acting, and she's always seemed more haughty than attractive.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Princess Nellifer was indeed spoiled, petulant and haughty, and I think Joan Collins looked glorious in the bronze body-paint!


Totally agree-the single worst makeup job I have ever seen.No fault of Joan's, but her acting was, and is abysmal. How she has maintained any kind of career is way beyond me. She manages to be completely unsexy in spite of the costuming which on anyone else would have been stunning - definitely bargain-basement sex.


Coincidentally, I just watched "Road to Hong Kong" last night -- the last of the Bing Crosby/Bob Hope "Road" movies -- and in it the series co-star Dorothy Lamour was replaced by Joan Collins -- no idea why. They were clearly ageing, and Bob Hope looked like he'd already had a facelift, so Dottie might have been judged "past it". Lamour did crop up in a guest scene, but she didn't dance, and they let her sing a song but it was only notable for its complete lack of musicality. It was bluntly awful.

But to replace her with Joan Collins? You're right, she didn't have an ounce of sexiness and couldn't act to save herself. She must have had a very good agent.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Totally agree-the single worst makeup job I have ever seen.No fault of Joan's, but her acting was, and is abysmal. How she has maintained any kind of career is way beyond me. She manages to be completely unsexy in spite of the costuming which on anyone else would have been stunning - definitely bargain-basement sex.

All true.

voting history:


Bad makeup? I must disagree, that cocoa complexion looks terrific on Joan, especially at the abdomen. Her acting? Just like Nellifer was--haughty, petulent and overblown. Unsexy? My goodness, back to those abs! Just look when she's agonizing when trapped in that tomb...those sexy abs go in and out like a bellydancer's.


Bad makeup? I must disagree, that cocoa complexion looks terrific on Joan, especially at the abdomen. Her acting? Just like Nellifer was--haughty, petulent and overblown. Unsexy? My goodness, back to those abs! Just look when she's agonizing when trapped in that tomb...those sexy abs go in and out like a bellydancer's.

Totally agree about those abs. They were killer! I always have loved her legs, but that abdomen might top even them.

The makeup? It looked fine to me. I thought she was ravishing.

Her acting? She portrayed Nellifer the way her character was supposed to have been presented. No, Joan wasn't Oscar material, but I don't think she embarrassed herself one bit.

As for those here on this board who never found Joan Collins sexy, huh?!?

No blah, blah, blah!


Yes Joan Collins was the best thing about this movie.

If she's played The Siren this way that character'd be allot more popular.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"
