Please tell how it ended

I just saw "Mummy 3" with Brendan Fraser, et al. and stumbled across this movie which I remember from "Saturday Afternoon at the Movies" on television when I was little.

I do remember sliding stone blocks breaking clay pots and sand pouring down, but not the details.

Other writers here mention evil Joan Collins being entombed, and crying "I don't wanna die!"

Can someone please tell how it ended? THANK YOU!


Collins was sealed inside the pyramid as the sliding stone blocks sealed off all of the passages. When the last stone fell, everything became quiet and the scene shifted to outside, and showed the freed architect and former slaves leaving Egypt. Hope this helps.



This film traumatised me when I was a kid, just from imagining too vividly what it would have been like to be sealed inside the tomb at the end. I had nightmares on that theme for years, and I'm sure they go back to Land of the Pharaohs.

Nellifer was a scheming rat, a liar and a murderer, but that would still have been a terrifying way to die.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I'd have thought that as a member of the family she would have known their ways and realised that the dead Pharoah would have been sealed in the tomb.


I think she was just too focused on her self and her ambitions to realize what was about to happen (I doubt she ever cared to learn anyway). She should have known, as Hamar explained to her that he would be sealed in the tomb with Khufu, but in her petulance, she completely ignored this very vital tidbit.



You are so right. I too recall seeing this movie as a child and remember being so moved by the involuntary capture of the scheming queen.

To add to this thread: Nellifer couldn't have been especially smart or just too focused on getting those riches moved back out of the pyramid. Save her, the funeral procession consisted completely of Khufu loyalists who everyone knew would not be returning to the sunlight. She herself had no escort or entourage fitting for the new ruler of Egypt. She apparently had not thought out how she would return to the surface or transport the riches back to the capital. Also, she expected Hamar to just mindlessly follow her commands and do all of the work. She apparently was too blind to realize that Hamar was playing it too close to the book to be fully cooperative once she assumed command.

In short, Nellifer was foolish to accompany hostile forces into an enclosed cave with no friendly support.

I don't have to show you any stinking badges!


As I recall, when the ending shifted to outside, and the people were leaving, some to go to their homeland, some to the corner bar, you could still hear the muffled sounds of the stones falling into place.


What if she had asked how to get out before going in?


In the last scene, the title card came up showing "The End", along with the Warner Bros. logo.
