Favorite character?

In a movie with so many great characters, which characters are your favorite?

Mrs Wilberforce is probably my favorite- she was just perfection! Katie Johnson gave such a wonderful and memorable performance! In a role that easily could have been played as just annoying or daffy, she brought something else entirely. She was so sweet, her manner of speaking was great, and she was surprisingly steadfast once she found out what the gang was up to. It's absolutely hilarious that she never once seemed at all frightened by these criminals! It doesn't appear as if it ever once crosse her mind that they might hurt her. Her disappointment in and scolding of these men was really funny! She really held her own!

As for second place, it would have to be tie between Professor Marcus and Louis Harvey. I really love them both! First with the Professor. Alec Guinness couldn't have played this part any better! He was perfect! His physical appearance and way of speaking-- just so utterly creepy! The fact that he was completely insane also added to the hilarity of the character. It's subtle, but I love scene where the gang are hurrying to leave the boardinghouse after obtaining the money, and Mrs Wilberforce keeps standing on the Professor's really long scarf. The way he keeps tugging on it is really funny to me.

Louis Harvey. I love that he has the typical "gangster" look. With the coat and fedora, he looks like he just stepped out of a serious, black & white film noir. Herbert Lom was terrific! I love the seriousness and coldness of the character mixed with the moments of his panic and droll sarcasm. I love the phone booth scene, when they're all squished inside and he keeps screaming for answers from the Major over the telephone. I also love the part when tries to scare Mrs Wilberforce by telling her he'll tell the police she "planned the big one." *points at her* "the East castle street job." Lom's delivery of the line is great! And when he tells her to "Lay low and button up." Also, his entrance in the movie is pretty funny. He enters the house looking suspiciously around him, holding his instrument case as if it were a gun! He doesn't even say anything, it's all in his body language, and it's pretty hilarious!

As I said, all the characters and performances were terrific, but those are just my top favorites! I absolutely love this movie!

So, who are your favorites?
