Favourite MST3K lines

You're spending a lot of time on that one nipple.

If you're looking for plausibility you've come to the wrong movie.

Ouch! Lizards were definitely harmed during the making of this film.

Thanks for blowing up everything I know.

Oh dear. They've landed in a disabled spot.


Don't forget "Ooh! Gecko-Roman wrestling!"


hi! i'm satan! you never know where i'm gonna pop up!


It's a creature from prehistoric Earth!
Crow: No, it's from Pet World! It's an iguana!
(Not the exact wording, but I can't remember any better than that.)


Tom: Y'know, they're only two miles from the blast, aren't they gonna get vaporized?
Crow: I hope so.

Tom:(When they're leisurely rafting back to shore) I think the film on this lake is better than the film we're watching!

If you were offended in any way by the preceding post, go make one yourself.


Joel: A new Pope is selected. It’s Kookie

Servo: Guys I think they just landed in Wisconsin
Joel: They just discovered Grizzly Adams

Servo: That’s one small step for man, one giant step into a cow pie, over

Crow: I’m Chirpy the mutant hell-beast and I don’t like this film. Get away

Joel: (as Alligator) Hi, I couldn’t help noticing your suitcase and your shoes!

Servo: (as Ralph) Tell the bee I love him

Gordon: Nobody’s gonna believe this
Joel: You mean this movie?

Crow: (as Giant Iguana) I’m gonna make a handbag outta you gator!

Patricia: Ralph, what is it?
Crow: It’s an Iguana! Now shut up!

Crow: Even the musicians are mocking this film

Joel: (as Gordon) Let’s go home and grow some three-headed kids

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


In addition to some of the quotes which have already been listed...

"I think the film on this lake is better than the one we're watching."

"We did the right thing, right? They were never going to surrender."

"It's the MGM Lion. Oh wait, it's the Lippert Lizard."

"Hey look, it's Woodstock. Three days of peace, love, and stock footage."

"Out of the way, you had your chance!" ~ spoken when Dick shoved Nora out of the way so that he could tend to the wounded Ralph

I loved their constant drilling of the film's sexism too.

"There's no reason why we can't take a watch." "Yes, there is." "You're girls."

"Hey, let's wake the girls up so that they can scream."

"I'm dealing with it. Honey, I'm dealing with it." ~ Spoken when Ralph waves the screaming Nora off as he shoots the giant bee


"Is that irony?"

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


Learn anything?
Yeah. You're the father.


"You conservative doctors!"
Joel: "Hey, we're neo-conservative doctors"

Crow: "The owl footage is not what it seems"


Even the musicians are mocking this film.

Giant mutated lizard....wish we had some pictures of it.

Oh that's your answer to everything: just use the atom bomb.

And so with peace in their hearts and fiery death in the sky.....they went home.

Ignoring: QuesterJonesV, MythicCDXX, Creeping Jesus/Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian
