Censor cut?

Just saw this for the first time tonight, and loved it.

One question: in the scene where Tony is on the way to the villa under construction, and pistol-whips the guy behind the pile of bricks, there's a jump-cut - you can see the blowing reeds and bushes in the background suddenly jump. Given the context of the scene, I wondered if this is censorship enforced on the negative. Does anyone know if my theory is correct? Did the censors of the time ask for it to be cut down to one visible pistol whipping, or did the filmmakers just adjust the timing of the scene by removing footage?


Noticed this too, and would love an answer...

It doesn't make sense for there to be a cut, since the behind-the-bricks actions could have easily been filmed in one shot-- was there some actionable blood/violence/language that had to be removed?

If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.


No, it jump-cut several times in the print (I noticed about 8) just due to damaged frames I would wager.
