DVD is widescreen, but still...

Despite what many websites and catalogues still say, years after its release, and what the DVD cover itself says, THE COURT-MARTIAL OF BILLY MITCHELL is not "full frame" or "full screen" (read: pan & scan). It is in fact in widescreen format, a big improvement over the old VHS release, with its grainy look (from being forced to zoom too close to the frame to fit it for the full screen) and substituted "The End" title card over the film's real one. That was a great surprise and relief when I first got this DVD, expecting only a rehash of the p&s version. (Doesn't anyone at Republic Home Video/Lion's Gate, let alone the commercial outlets, bother to check the product they're producing and selling?)

Still...the film is not quite reproduced in its correct aspect ratio of 2.55:1. It appears to be more like 2.20, maybe a bit better than that. Also, the negative has obviously been allowed to deteriorate and the colors are a bit washed out. Not a terrible print, and better than not having the film, or having it once again in lousy p&s, but this movie certainly needs and deserves a real restoration, if for no other reason than to ensure it survives in pristine condition.


I'm glad someone besides me noticed that the aspect ratio is still off on this DVD print. I think I saw this on VHS a while back and only remember that the quality was so poor that the aspect ratio was the least of its issues.

Why can't anyone seem to produce a DVD by first offering it in the original aspect ratio and then produce all the cut-up pan & scan versions later? It's really a shame when you can't see what the filmmaker originally shot, and, for what reason... so the numbskull masses don't have to look at black lines on their TVs?Ugh.

My favorite scene in this DVD version is when Billy is being convinced to go to Washington. There are two men (screen right) talking and then the camera pans left to show just the arm(!) of (presumably) another man who is entering the room, only to pan back to the original two men. If this is how the Director shot this scene, then he, too, should be shot!!

It IS a good film, though, although I think Gary Cooper's acting's a bit wooden. Interesting role by Samantha Stevens (Liz Montgomery) before she became a witch.


Completely agree with you, especially about the numbskull masses.

There may be a chance Paramount, which I think (but am not sure of) acquired the rights to this film, may one day produce a pristine, full 2.55:1 widescreen edition of BILLY. Or even Lion's Gate, if they retain the rights.

Mitchell's family hated Cooper in the role, also thinking he was too stiff and undynamic. Coop refused to act livelier in the part. The family wanted James Cagney, who they thought, correctly, was much closer to Mitchell's personality (though Cooper had a closer physical resemblance).
