Juliet Landau

Whenever I see this movie I can only picture Juliet Landau as Loretta King in the ED WOOD movie starring Johnny Depp and her father Martin Landau (as Lagosi) -- and the woman telling a bartender that she didn't want a drink because she was allergic to fluids! :D


Loved that scene! Her performance & look in the film was perfect for the LK character. It was so 50's and over the top!


Ironic that Martin won an oscar playing a guy who got famous being a vampire, and Juliet, his daughter, ends up playing a vampire for years on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.



Yes, I see things that should be classed as coincidental being mistaken for irony all the time.

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Samuel Beckett


"NO...NO LIQUIDS. I am TERRIBLY allergic to them".

One of the funniest lines EVER

No, no..."cruelty." I always think that has a nobler ring to it.


Loretta King ISNT allergic to liquids. Ironic!


Loved Juliet in that part!
Have to admit I think of Ed Wood and Juliet playing Loretta as well.
But I also crack up remembering Martin Landau, as Lagosi, battling the octopus too!
